Thursday 22 August 2013


Okay so I'm not emo or anything but I do tend to hurt myself a lot by accident. I don't know what it is, I just think that I'm a complete cluts. Whenever there is like an event near by or something/ anything at all that is coming up, I always end up getting hurt out of the blue. This summer so far I have fucked up my lower back doing swipes at a bboy jam. That shit hurt like fuck! Like it's not even fully recovered yet but I can't lie it does feel a lot better already! The doctor said not to break for a while but a back ache can't hold a bboy back! Anyways then I ended up fucking up my pinky toe the other day by smash a glass right over my foot and ended up getting cut. I ain't no pussy though because I didn't cry one bit. It was bloody as fuck too! My fucking room looked like a motherfucking crime scene that day! Anyways, long story short, I always end up fucking up real close to events, and I never go to jams 100% because something is always wrong with me...